Monday, March 23, 2015

The Mbuti Economy & Politics

The Mbuti have settled in parts of the Ituri Forest of northern Zaire. They have been developing their village for approximately 2,000 years now. All Mbuti live as forest specialists in association with agricultural groups. This interaction is key to their welfare. The Mbuti use the more elaborate political structure of villagers to regulate certain aspects of their own social system.
Mbuti and the villagers have a food trade that makes up their economic aspect. Year round, starch foods from villagers’ make up a large part of Mbuti diet. Sporadically, Mbuti will provide villagers with “prestige foods” including meat and honey from the forest. They help clear and harvest the gardens and participate in seasonal fishing expeditions. Mbuti also proved various forest products. These items may include construction materials, medicinal plants, firewood, etc. These exchanges don’t have exact trade values. There is rarely cash involved. Sometimes a product is giving without receiving anything in return.


Hart, John
    2010 The Mbuti of Zaire. Electronic document,, accessed March 23, 2015


  1. Title: Two Different Worlds

    It's very interesting to learn about different cultures and the way they function. Politics and the economy to the Mbuti is such a simple thing compared to the way the United States is structured. In the US everything is precisely structured and there are many guidelines that citizens follow. The Mbuti, in comparison, have little to no structure. They don't really use cash and they mainly just go with the flow.

    It's hard to imagine what it would be like if America was this laid back. Honestly, it seems like it would be quite chaotic. We have too many goods and materials to just be able to swap things without labeling them with a price. Our country is too big and too widespread to function properly without a structured political and economic system.

  2. This is good and reflexive in the sense that you are talking about the US, as your culture, how about your own personal history to make it more reflexive. Look at the posts from Emily, Andrea, and Olivia, try to relate it to your personal life, and history, as a young woman, as an educated person, as well as an American, which you have already done. The references again, just like I was telling the girls, use the AAA Style Guide, page 14, section Internet Document, and use that formatting. Thanks for a very responsible work you do in our class this semester :-)
